16D25-W 16 Series Taper Nose by Leviton

Manufacturer-Model:  16D25-W
16D25-W 16 Series Taper Nose by Leviton
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Retail Price:$32.29
Sale Price:$22.20

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Volume & Trade Discount ProsSERVICES
  • Retail Price:
  • $32.29
  • Sale Price:
  • $22.20
  • Save:
  • 31%
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  • Male Plug, Contact & Insulator, Cam-Type, Detachable, Crimped, #2 - #1 AWG, 220 Amp Max, 16 Series Taper Nose, Type 3R While-in-Use" - WHITE"
  • Color: White
  • Contact Cat. No.: 16D25-C
  • Insulator Cat. No.: 16SDM-22E
  • Max. Amperage: 220 Amp
  • Max. Voltage: 600 Volt
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